About Lets Quit

Get ready to overcome your addiction with the help of Let’s Quit.
This balanced blend of Ayurvedic herbs is designed to help those seeking a healthier lifestyle free from substance addiction(alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, etc). It contains 15 potent herbs that may help detoxify your body, nourish new healthy cells and prevent withdrawal symptoms. 

It consists of Vishahar or detoxifying herbs like Bhringaraj, Bhumi amalaki, Tulsi, Giloya, Neem and Haldi. These herbs help in eliminating toxins from multiple organs such as liver, gut, kidneys, lungs and blood. They help in ensuring that no toxins are left in your body and prepare your body to accept the nourishment needed for regenerating new healthy cells.

Let’s Quit is also enriched with rejuvenating herbs to help your body repair and renew the damaged cells. It includes well known Rasayana herbs such as Amla, Mulethi, Giloya and Punarnava. These herbs help make sure that every body cell gets the excellent part of Rasa(nourishing fluid which is produced immediately after digestion and metabolism). Apart from providing rasa,these herbs are also known to help you improve intellect, help reduce negative thoughts, increase will power that will help you to ultimately make decisions that are beneficial for your body.

It also addresses the side effects caused by long term abuse such as infertility, heart diseases, organ damage, etc. Vidarikanda herb helps improve reproductive health and prevents infertility by improving healthy sperm count and healthy ovum. Also Arjuna, a wonderful cardio tonic according to Ayurveda, helps to improve your heart health.

Herbs such as Nagakeshara, lavang and pudina help improve appetite and stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes to keep your gut healthy. Healthy digestion is important to ensure that your body gets the best nourishment to counteract withdrawal symptoms like weight loss, weakness, nausea, vomiting and substance craving.

Giloya, & mulethi are renowned Medhya herbs in Ayurveda. These herbs show anti-depressant and anti- seizure activity therefore help you in fighting withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, muscle twitching, anxiety, sleeplessness, and hallucinations specially seen in alcohol and drug addicts. They not only help decrease such symptoms but also improve your sattva (one of the three attributes of mind representing purity and consciousness) by eliminating toxins or doshas from heart, brain and channels carrying psychic impulses or stimuli. Hence, it helps a person regain his mental composure, calms down hyperactive nerves and helps to detract from anything harmful to his body.

What it contains?

It contains 15 powerful herbs, obtained direct from wild forest.

  • Bhringraj – It helps in expelling ama dosha i.e. toxins accumulated in body cells due to faulty diet & lifestyle. It also helps eliminate the toxins from the liver by its purgative property. It provides strength to the body tissues & helps improve the functioning of sense organs.
  • Amla – The name ‘Amla’  itself means a-mala i.e. which cleanses mala or waste products. It is renowned for its rasayana property (tissue rejuvenation) by promoting growth as well as longevity of healthy body cells thereby improving immunity of the body. In Ayurveda, it is also considered as a medhya drug i.e. wholesome for the brain.
  • Tulsi – In Ayurveda, the other name for Tulsi is bhutaghni i.e. herb that destroys harmful foreign agents in the body. Hence, it makes an ideal herb for detoxification of harmful addictive substances. It’s shulaghna property i.e. analgesic & anti-spasmodic property helps in alleviating body pain & restlessness.
  • Bhumi amalaki – It’s a well known ayurvedic herb for its hepatoprotective & anti-cancer action. It not only helps make your liver healthy but also helps your body fight against any abnormal cell growth in body i.e. cancer, which is now a common late presentation in addicts of tobacco and smoking.
  • Giloya – Its action could be understood by its synonyms in Ayurveda such as rasayani, jivanti (that gives life), vayasya (which increases longevity) & most important one, vishalya (which dislodges anything that causes distress to body & mind). It is known for it’s immunity enhancing properties. According to Ayurveda, it is known to perform multiple actions like cleansing your body, promoting growth of healthy cells and improving your mental strength .
  • Nagkesar – It’s one of the best deepana-pachana) herb in Ayurveda. It not only improves your appetite but also helps in decreasing symptoms of nausea, vomiting, & excessive sweating, common symptoms found in substance withdrawal patients. 
  • Punarnava– The name itself means ‘one which renews’.. It’s diuretic action helps in flushing out toxins from your kidneys and also helps in improving lung functions.
  • Mulethi– It is very commonly used in cold & cough, but also is a wonderful drug for rejuvenating brain cells and improving intellect according to Ayurveda. This is an important factor for a successful de-addiction therapy. It also helps in gaining weight and body strength.
  •  Vidarikanda – It’s brmhana(nourishing) property helps in counteracting weakness & helps calm down an anxious mind. It’s a well known shukra & stanyavardhaka herb i.e. one that nourishes reproductive tissues in both males & females. Thus, it can be helpful in decreasing chances of infertility, a common side-effect of long term substance abuse.
  • Arjuna – It is a very potent cardiotonic according to Ayurveda due to its special action on the heart. It is known to decrease chances of cardiac diseases such as coronary artery diseases, aortic aneurysm, etc.
  • Lavanga – It is known as an excellent appetizer and digestive stimulant in Ayurveda which can decrease nausea & vomiting. It has vishaghna(detoxifying) properties, especially on lungs.
  • Haridra – It’s a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent which can help heal the damaged & inflamed organs.  It shows anti-seizure as well as anti-depressant activity thus can be very helpful not only in conditions with neuronal hyper-activity but also in hypo-activity or depressed brain activity such as dull movement, sleeplessness, anxiety, delirium & hallucinations.
  • Pudina –The smell & taste of mint helps improve the odour and taste of your mouth by stimulating taste buds and also digestive enzymes. It’s quick action property helps in reducing excessive sweating and also helps stimulate the depressed mind. Pudina is known to have antioxidant property which helps in eliminating free radicals even from minutest channels.
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