Shipping Policy

  • Delivery of all orders will be done only to the address as provided by you at the time of placing the order.
  • We usually ship the product within 2-3 working days after receiving the order and try to deliver them within two weeks unless and otherwise mentioned differences on a particular product.
  • Shipping is prone to delay and we may increase the date of delivery for reasons that include strike, exclusion, official intervention, energy or resource scarcity, shipping difficulties or any business complications. The starting and end point of such shipping impediments will be communicated immediately by us.
  • You will receive a call from us for order confirmation. The status of your product at every stage during the delivery process will be notified on your registered phone number and the email-id with us. 
  • You will also receive a tracking-id on your registered phone number and email-id.
  • We reserve the right to cancel the contract in case the delivery fails three times because of the fault of the customer(customer not available at the address or customer refusing to accept the order). The product amount excluding the shipping charges will be transferred back for the payments that are already made. 

International Shipping: Currently, we do not process international orders. Although, if you really love our products, we are happy to assist you. Please write to us at with your order request.

Contact Information

For any other queries related to shipping or any other query, we welcome you to drop an email to

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